Interior PrivateJanuary 23, 2023

Access IT Automation


Lightwater, UK

Type of Project

Full Branding


Technology, Application Management, IT processes,  Software Dev


Access IT Automation

Key Challenge

Revitalizing Access IT Automation’s digital presence to vividly showcase their comprehensive IT automation solutions.

00. Project Description


Access IT Automation represents a paradigm shift in how businesses approach IT automation and digital transformation.

Our collaboration with Access IT Automation aimed to redefine their digital presence, ensuring their innovative solutions were showcased through a cutting-edge, user-centric website.

This project was meticulously planned and executed to position Access IT Automation as a leader in the IT automation space, catering to large corporations and enterprises looking for scalable, efficient, and secure IT solutions.

Problem Definition

The primary challenge Access IT Automation faced was an outdated digital interface that failed to adequately communicate the breadth and depth of their services.

This disconnect not only hindered user engagement but also limited their ability to attract large-scale enterprise clients.

The existing platform lacked the intuitive navigation and comprehensive content strategy necessary to convey the sophisticated nature of their IT solutions, making it imperative to develop a more robust and engaging online presence.

Transforming digital interaction into a dynamic gateway for IT automation excellence.

01. Research

Crafting a digital cornerstone for IT automation leadership.

Research and Insights

Our initial phase of research involved a deep dive into the IT automation industry, competitor analysis, and current digital trends to understand the landscape Access IT Automation operates within.

Through surveys, user behavior analysis, and stakeholder interviews, we uncovered a clear need for a platform that not only informs but also engages and converts potential clients.

Insights revealed a demand for intuitive navigation, detailed service descriptions, and accessible contact channels, emphasizing the importance of a seamless user experience to foster trust and credibility among enterprise-level clients.

Solution Idea

Based on our comprehensive research and insights, we proposed a solution centered around a complete overhaul of the Access IT Automation website.

The redesign would focus on a clean, modern aesthetic with enhanced usability features, including a restructured service portfolio, interactive case studies, and a streamlined user journey.

This approach aimed to position Access IT Automation as a thought leader in IT automation by providing a resource-rich platform for potential clients to explore solutions, gain insights, and initiate contact effortlessly.

Digital Transformation Journey

The concept phase was geared towards translating our research and solution idea into a tangible, actionable plan.

This involved mapping out the user experience, defining the visual language, and identifying key functionalities that would distinguish the Access IT Automation platform. By leveraging modern design principles and focusing on user engagement strategies, we aimed to create an immersive digital environment.
Interactive elements, dynamic content, and a mobile-responsive design were prioritized to ensure accessibility and relevance across all user touchpoints.

The blueprint outlined a phased implementation strategy, starting with core pages and gradually expanding to incorporate advanced features like AI-driven support tools and personalized user dashboards.

02. Conceptual Blueprint

Envisioning a user-centric portal for transformative IT solutions.

03. Prototype and Test

Transforming insights into action for unparalleled user experience.

Building the Interactive Model

Once the conceptual blueprint was established, we transitioned into the prototype phase, where ideas began to take a tangible form.

Utilizing tools like Sketch and Figma, we crafted an interactive prototype that mirrored the proposed design and functionality enhancements. This prototype served as a visual and navigational mock-up, enabling us to explore the user experience in a controlled environment. Key features, such as the service portfolio navigation, interactive case studies, and the contact pathway, were developed to closely simulate the final product, providing a comprehensive preview of the redesigned AccessITAutomation platform.

Solution Idea

The prototype underwent rigorous testing with a diverse group of users, including IT professionals, potential clients, and internal stakeholders.

This testing phase was crucial for gathering authentic feedback on usability, design appeal, and content clarity. Utilizing methods like A/B testing, user journey mapping, and direct interviews, we were able to identify areas for refinement and enhancement.

The insights gained from this process informed iterative adjustments to the prototype, ensuring that the final design would not only meet but exceed user expectations and requirements.

Research and Insights

The Iterations phase was a dynamic period of refinement, where feedback from the prototype testing was meticulously applied to enhance the design and functionality of the Access IT Automation platform.

Each iteration was approached with a problem-solving mindset, focusing on optimizing the user experience, streamlining navigation, and enriching content for better engagement and comprehension. Through a series of agile sprints, the project team collaborated closely, making data-driven decisions to fine-tune visual elements, user interface components, and interactive features.

This iterative process not only improved the platform's usability and aesthetic appeal but also ensured that the final product would effectively meet the complex needs of Access IT Automation's diverse user base.

04. Iterations

Evolution through agility: Perfecting the platform with each iteration.

05. Build and Delivery

From vision to reality: Launching a new era of IT automation.

Building the Interactive Model

The Build and Delivery phase marked the culmination of our design and development efforts, transitioning from a meticulously refined prototype to a live, operational platform.

This stage involved close collaboration between designers, developers, and project managers to ensure that every aspect of the platform was executed flawlessly. Emphasis was placed on technical performance, design fidelity, and user experience, with rigorous quality assurance testing to guarantee a seamless launch.

The successful delivery of the Access IT Automation platform represented a significant milestone, showcasing a state-of-the-art digital presence aligned with strategic business goals.


The color scheme for the Access IT Automation platform was carefully selected to convey a sense of innovation, trust, and clarity.
Light blue and dark blue form the core of our palette, symbolizing stability and depth of knowledge, while black adds a layer of sophistication and contrast, emphasizing key elements for improved White serves as the background across the platform, creating a clean, open space that enhances user focus and engagement.
This deliberate choice of colours not only reinforces the brand identity but also plays a crucial role in the platform’s overall user experience, promoting an environment that is both inviting and professional. readability.

From vision to reality: Launching a new era of IT automation.




RGB 237, 84, 55




RGB 237, 84, 55


Irogon Blue


RGB 153, 168, 178


Dryad Bark


RGB 44, 43, 39


At the heart of the Access IT Automation brand identity lies its logo, a visual representation that encapsulates the essence of innovation, reliability, and forward-thinking.
The logo design harmoniously combines elements of light blue and dark blue, mirroring the color scheme of the platform and reinforcing the brand’s commitment to providing cutting-edge IT automation solutions.

The interplay of colours symbolizes the seamless integration of technology and human expertise, while the sleek, modern typography reflects the company’s focus on precision and clarity.
Crafted to be memorable and versatile, the logo stands as a beacon of trust and excellence in the digital landscape, adaptable across various media and contexts to consistently communicate the brand’s core values.


The redesign of the AccessITAutomation website was approached with the goal of creating a digital gateway that not only informs but also engages and inspires its visitors. This transformation was rooted in the need to provide an intuitive, user-friendly experience, showcasing the company’s comprehensive suite of IT automation solutions through a modern, accessible interface.
The website’s architecture was meticulously planned to facilitate easy navigation, allowing users to effortlessly explore services, insights, and case studies that highlight AccessITAutomation’s expertise and success stories. Key features such as an interactive service explorer, a resource library, and a dynamic contact form were integrated to encourage interaction and inquiry.
With a color palette of light blue, dark blue, black, and white, the website exudes a professional yet inviting atmosphere, aligning with the brand’s visual identity. The logo is prominently displayed, serving as a constant reminder of the brand’s commitment to innovation and trust.
Responsive design principles ensure that the website offers a seamless experience across all devices, acknowledging the diverse ways users access information today. The incorporation of accessibility features further emphasizes the brand’s dedication to inclusivity, ensuring that all visitors can navigate the site with ease.
The launch of the redesigned website marks a new chapter for AccessITAutomation, offering a digital platform that effectively communicates the brand’s vision, engages its target audience, and sets a new standard for excellence in the IT automation sector.

Social Media

In parallel with the website revitalization, Access IT Automation’s social media materials were crafted to extend the brand’s reach and engagement across various digital landscapes.
Recognizing the power of social media in building community, enhancing brand visibility, and facilitating direct communication with clients, a comprehensive strategy was deployed to leverage these platforms effectively.

Visual and Verbal Identity

The logo and brand colors were consistently used in all social media materials, reinforcing brand recognition. Each post, graphic, and video was carefully designed to align with AccessITAutomation’s ethos of innovation and trust, with a clear call to action encouraging viewers to visit the website, read more, or get in touch.

The logo and brand colors were consistently used in all social media materials, reinforcing brand recognition. Each post, graphic, and video was carefully designed to align with AccessITAutomation’s ethos of innovation and trust, with a clear call to action encouraging viewers to visit the website, read more, or get in touch.

Marketing Collateral

Executed the final build with an emphasis on quality and innovation.
Projects were delivered through an engaging website platform, showcasing BattleforkStudio’s pioneering vision.

From vision to reality: Launching a new era of IT automation.

Visual and Verbal Identity

The logo and brand colors were consistently used in all social media materials, reinforcing brand recognition. Each post, graphic, and video was carefully designed to align with AccessITAutomation’s ethos of innovation and trust, with a clear call to action encouraging viewers to visit the website, read more, or get in touch.

Visual and Verbal Identity

The logo and brand colors were consistently used in all social media materials, reinforcing brand recognition. Each post, graphic, and video was carefully designed to align with AccessITAutomation’s ethos of innovation and trust, with a clear call to action encouraging viewers to visit the website, read more, or get in touch.

Visual and Verbal Identity

The logo and brand colors were consistently used in all social media materials, reinforcing brand recognition. Each post, graphic, and video was carefully designed to align with AccessITAutomation’s ethos of innovation and trust, with a clear call to action encouraging viewers to visit the website, read more, or get in touch.

Achieving Transformational Outcomes

The culmination of Access IT Automation's strategic overhaul across digital, physical, and interpersonal touchpoints led to significant achievements for the client.
Post-launch, the newly revitalized digital presence marked a substantial increase in user engagement, with website traffic surging and social media interactions more than doubling.
The clarity and accessibility of information fostered deeper understanding and appreciation of Access IT Automation's offerings, translating into a marked uptick in qualified leads.

04. Result for the Client

Transforming AccessITAutomation into a digital and market leader, one touchpoint at a time.

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